Jeff KovitJeff Kovit


Who is Jeff Kovit?
I have been in the event video industry since 1992. My belief is: "What I say and show to a prospective client is what I deliver" After all, I'm from the school of hard work. I attend your event for one reason only... to capture your family's precious memories! Every image captured, every cut, pre- and post-production... all the way to finished and deliverd DVDs is the content I deliver. Content is what it's all about.

Words to live by...
  • I stay out of the line of sight
  • I go the extra mile
  • I make sure to get all the shots you need

Unique in the Biz
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© 2006-2016 Jeff Kovit Video Productions, LLC. - All Rights Reserved.
Phone: (847) 624-3752

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